Apr 24, 2011

Tasmanian Aborigines Genocide

During 1803 – 1823 British colonialist captured the Tasmanian island and killed thousands of  Tasmanian Tribes. In 1828 Lt.Governor George Arthur declared a law called “Black Catching”. They have thrown all the Tasmanian into the forest. Later British colonialist started hunting the Tasmanians and killed them.

Before 1803, 3,000 to 15,000 Aborigines were lived. After the British invasion 1860,s it became reduced. Only 72 men, 3 women, and a few children. They were treated like a slave.

In 1869, it became very worse only 3 females and 1 male was lived.

Last Survivor in Tasmanian Aborigines "Palawa"

Last full-blooded “Palawa” Tasmanian Aborigine female called “Trugernanner”. Even her’s last request was refused by the colonials and she’s died in 1872.  The Tasmanian chapter comes an end.


  1. William Lanner, the last ever male indigenous Tasmanian, had his skin made into a tobacco pouch after his death.

  2. You need to do some research regarding Tasmanian Palawa Kani people. There exists a strong community of Tasmanian Indigenous people in Tasmania today. Do your homework.

  3. Hmm... yes there are some people whom may be 'descendent' (albeit mixed race) to the 100% pure indigenous Tasmanian 'attempting' (not yet complete) to recreate one of the languages / dialects associated to the Tasmanian Aboriginal, however the majority of the language and the people have sadly been lost or dispersed, as with all isolated tribal people around the World. A sad and true fact, please see other ancient tribes we will soon lose shortly. Particular look at the Andaman Islands; http://www.survivalinternational.org/ ; http://joshuaproject.net/people_groups ; http://originalpeople.org/
